Syed abne tawos wrote in his book and take rwayet from mola imam hussain imam pak said one night he and his father mola ali a.s makeing (tawaf)means round about around khana kaba that night was very dark at that time only me and my father makeing tawaf of kaba evey thing in this world in a deep sleep suddenely i heard some one is writteing peanful and sad poetre and requesting He read that dua and after some time he sleep and
he say that in his dream prophet hazarat mohmmad came and said that your all problems and illness is finished and when he wake up he saw that ya his dream was right that dua that he read is called dua e maslool this dua can slove all kind of your problems money hajat duas munajats and hazarat imam Hussain said if u read this dua got (ism e azam)means the greatest name of Allaha pak so who ever read this is all problems will be sloved and sins will be forgiven.
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